The main reason for us to keep the library open is for you to be able to borrow the literature you need for your studies. We appreciate that you choose to study elsewhere. Day. Hour. Monday-Friday. 10.00-14.00. Saturday, Sunday & Holidays. Closed.


Lunds universitet, MECW: The Middle East in the Contemporary World, Originator; Lund University, MECW: The Middle East in the Contemporary World, 

Closed. Please note, only students and researchers at Lund University have access to the library. Enter with your LU card. Our group study areas are currently closed. Read more about the unstaffed library here. How to Manage Technology to Support the Health and Well-being of Faculty and Students - Contact North. 13:00 - 14:00, more.

Lu library hours

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Due to Covid-19 we are forced to limit our opening hours. We ask you to only visit the library if it is necessary. The main reason for us to keep the library open is for you to be able to borrow the literature you need for your studies. ×.

Pius XII Memorial Library is Students.

Vid problem med inloggning kontakta LU Servicedesk, +46 46 222 90 00 För regelverk om användande av identitetsutgivaren se nedanstående länkar Användarvillkor Hantering av personuppgifter

Monday10:00–20:00; Tuesday10:00–20:00; Wednesday10:00–20:00; Thursday*10:00–14:00Maundy Thursday; FridayClosed; SaturdayClosed  Lunds universitet Asienbiblioteket, Lund, Lund, Skåne County, Sweden — location on the map, phone, opening hours. Found in categories: library.

PSU faculty and staff can also access the buidling with PSU ID. Library Hours. Today. 12:00pm -. 5:00pm.

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Lu library hours

PSU faculty and staff can also access the buidling with PSU ID. Library Hours. Today. 12:00pm -. 5:00pm.

Enter with your LU card. Our group study areas are currently closed. Read more about the unstaffed library here.
Kilsmogatan 9

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The Index is produced by Desmond Maley and Dan Scott, J.-N. Desmarais Library, Laurentian University. LactMed (Drugs and Lactation Database) ? "A peer-reviewed and fully referenced database of drugs to which breastfeeding mothers may be exposed.

E-mail: Telephone: +46 Read about the restrictions in the library, our digital service, study seat booking and more. Campus Helsingborg, Library Opening hours at the libraries. Page manager: | 10 Dec 2020. Libraries at Lund University A-L. Lunds universitet, MECW: The Middle East in the Contemporary World, Originator; Lund University, MECW: The Middle East in the Contemporary World,  Genom jämförelser mellan beskrivningar och bilder av landskap hos Plinius d.y., Claude Lorrain, Super Mario World och Zelda Skyward Sword undersöker jag  LTH reception, library, book shop and Café Finn Ut are also located in the Study Centre. Opening hours during the semester.